miércoles, mayo 27, 2015

The Rise and Fall of Globosome

The Rise and Fall of Globosome from Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg on Vimeo.

Corto: The Rise and Fall of Globosome
Escrito y dirigido por Sascha Geddert

En la inmensidad del espacio, hay una pequeña roca habitada por las formas de vida más peculiares: "Globosome" que comienzan a replicarse rápidamente y comienzan a mostrar signos de inteligencia. El corto cuenta la historia del ascenso y caída de estas pequeñas criaturas.

"In the vastness of space, there’s a a small speck of rock inhabited by the most peculiar lifeforms: Dark little "Globosomes" that start to replicate fast and begin to show signs of intelligence. The film tells the story of the rise and fall of these little creatures. 

This film is inspired by the special times we’re living in on our own planet. We're ourselves at the crossroads: Rise to our true calling and explore the universe or perish from the face of a dirty planet. Surely we have culture, science and art but what does remains of these achievements, if you look at our world from a global perspective."


Música compuesta por Patrizio Deidda
Grabación de la música de Globosome con la "Filmorchester Babelsberg"

Globosome: The Render Pass Edition

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